Saturday 24 March 2012

From Annx

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  1. I asked Annx if she had seen Von's jewellery and this is her reply to me:

    I loved the colour of those beads Von used..........does she make the beads as well? I know you can make beads in a microwave, but don't know anyone who has tried.

    I liked all the latest cards people have put on the blog too.

    I have put it on here so that Von can answer the question

  2. Hi
    In answer to the question I didn't make the beads but wanted to do something a bit different with the pendant rather than just hang them on a chain.

    Annx I really like your necklace.

  3. Annx what a lovely necklace, you are so professional when making your jewellry, it must be a lovely hobby to do, thanks for showing them to us... love Jean xx
