Monday 19 March 2012

From Ann x

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  1. Ann your necklace is very pretty. Your handpainted bird cards are beautiful, so accurate and life like. do you paint from photos? They make lovely cards. Ann has left off the sentiments because the cards are for specific people.

    How long does it take you to paint a card Ann?

    Ann (in Glos)

  2. Thank you Ann. I looked at a few photos to get ideas and to get the colours right, but these are the first birds I have ever painted and the first cards I have made so I was not very quick....1 to 2 hours each. I suppose you get quicker as your confidence grows.

    I must say I admire those of you who make cards.....I was worried sick about getting mucky marks on the card!!!


  3. Oh well done on managing to make your own comments, not many people manage that!!

    One way of getting round the worry of messing up the base card would be to paint the picture on a separate square of paper/card and use that as a topper. You will notice a lot of cards are made like that.

    Ann (in Glos)

  4. Just Ann...lovely cards and necklace. 1 to 2 hrs is not long, it would take me for

    well done :)

  5. just seen the lovely necklace and the beautiful birds Annx
    such lovely drawings.. wish I had your talent....
    love Jean x
