Thursday 21 July 2011

Some beautiful quilts from Annette (Moonbi)

Heritage quilt queen size made for son's wedding. Made of calici, embroidered with peri thread in antique cream & sage, Annette's own design. One border pleated & outside border embroidered plus centre embroidered motif.
I think this is embroidery details
Hour glass design using Australian ochre colours King size. For second son
Roses pattern square design reversed in each row single bed size
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  1. these are beautiful Annette, thank you for sharing them with us. You are very talented.


  2. Annette what beautiful quilts,you must have a lot of patience, but so worth it, thanks for sharing them with us... love Jean x

  3. Oh wow these are gorgeous, especially the Heritage one:o))
    Very talented lady:o)

    jude x
