Monday 3 June 2013

Ann x's felted bag


  1. Ann X I am very impressed with your bag, would do well in the high streets stores, well done....

    love Jean x

    1. Thank you Jean, that is very kind. It was my first effort at this sort of thing, but I am pleased how it turned out. The only thing I didn't like was knitting the Filzi felting wool! I must knit with my mouth wide open I think as I could feel the wool strands in my mouth every time I started knitting!!!

    2. Ann...this is lovely, well done. Have you made anymore since? and do you always knit the wool first or do you use old knitted garments washed in a high temperature??


    3. Sorry Jude, I haven't looked on here for a while and never saw your question. No, I haven't done any more since as we are beading again now. I knitted the bag first in Filzi wool. All of us who made them to the same pattern and used the same wool found they came out different sizes according to our washing machines! I don't see why you couldn't use old knitted garments though and cut a bag out from them after felting. They would have to be pure wool garments though.
